Hoofcare & Information for Barefoot Soundness

Linda Cowles Hoof Care - Serving the greater SF Bay Area and Northern California

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Azure's Last Chance

October 5, 2006 - Azure's History & Getting Started
October 5, 2006 - The Trim
November 13, 2006 - Second Trim
January 29, 2007 Overview - Four Month Report
January 29 - Let's Dance!

11/2006 - I love knowing how my client horses do after trims, particularly when the horses are as desperate for help as Azure was.

I also love knowing that I've helped owners & clinic attendees understand more about barefoot trimming and soundness. I'd received dozens of emails from the Cool California gang in the past weeks, including these:

October 6th -" Spending time with you was a life changing experience!  I learned so much, and so quickly from you.  You are  an amazing lady.  Today , I took Azure for a walk.  He was so forward and eager and sound, I got on and rode him a little bit.  What I felt was maybe an irregularity in his gait (from the ringbone?)  The hoofs were good!  Valerie says he is ok from the walking, and we will begin to hand walk or pony him now!!!  I'm really excited about it and so is she.  Thank you for your expertise and for caring .  Luke is great, have not ridden him, but looking forward to trying out the new ideas.  Will pad him behind.... I will love to do your clinic next time.  Either format will work for me.  Count me in, Judy"

October 8th - " Hi Linda,  Good to hear from you.   Yesterday was another great day for Azure!  Valerie led him on a  -  maybe - one mile walk.  She said he did so well and was a very happy horse.  Take care, Love, Judy"

October 8th - "Hi there!  Just an update on my boy, Azure.  He appears to be much more comfortable, especially with the boots on.  You know that Judy took him out the other day.  I took him for a walk yesterday (1/2 hour) and he was thrilled to go.  I left him barefoot last night and he wasn't as lame as before.  I rebooted him today- the powder (Gold Bond) works great.  I ponied him today for about 45 minutes (easy terrain) and he was moving wonderfully.  If it wasn't for Judy- he might have been put to sleep.  If he stays this sound it looks as though he has a future.  I am thrilled. Thanks Valerie"


November 25th -"Now, after 2 trims and using Old Macs, he seem to be fully sound in the boots and can go barefoot for a few hours a day.  He has been ponied and shows no signs of lameness with the boots on.  So far things are looking up!  Will have to see how the wet weather affects his feet and boots. I have to thank you for efforts that have let this wonderful, kind horse continue being part of the herd--without being in pain. -- Valerie "



Second Trim - Cool Trim Clinic

I always look at the horses demeanor to see how they are feeling, what their mood is, and Azure was TOTALLY into being the center of attention this time! He walked out comfortably and confidently, his eyes were bright and very happy, and he was delighted to have even more folks come visit him. Someone brought snacks - some chip type of thing - and Azure was very happy to be munching cannapes in the isle.

It was about 5 weeks since his first trim, and he had come a L*O*N*G way! He was being ponied regularly, moved around easily in boots, and was, once again, a very happy horse.

We had a few new folks at this clinic. One of them was Azure's farrier, Dave, who was hesitant to come for several reasons. First because he had read Jaime Jackson's books, and Jaime has made a comment about Farrier's causing a lot of the unsoundness in today's horses; Steve didn't want to have to defend doing the best he knows how to do.

I told Valerie that I didn't blame him, that Mr. Jackson sometimes says things that irritate me too, and that I recognize that Steve exhausted his resources trying to help Azure. He was in great company!!! UC Davis and several highly regarded vets had tried their best too, but Azure needed a type of help they weren't totally familiar with yet. I asked Valerie to encourage Steve to come. I wouldn't put him in a bad spot

I sincerely enjoy having farrier's attend these clinics, I have a few skills they can pick up if they're interested enough. And I still have as many questions as I have answers, and these hoof care professional may have the answers I need. I welcome anyone who understands that we all still have a lot to learn.

A local AANHCP trimmer, Tracy Browne, , had joined us as well. I asked Tracy if she would be available to help folks out in an emergency, because I live 4 hours away, and she complied. I'd love to have Steve try his hand at this style of trimming and rehab, too, because the demand is more that just a few of us can handle.

One of the first things Tracy asked about was Azure's diet; he was cresty and a bit over weight with several symptoms of insulin sensitivity, so she recommended a grass hay diet with low carb supplements and molasses free (or rinsed) beet pulp.

Azure's Feet

The first thing I noticed was that Azure's heel seemed much stronger, and made a mental note to check his pictures from October 5th.

When I checked them, my memory served me well. His heels were much stronger, and the new wall directly below the coronet band was growing at a very good angle, relatively speaking of course. His heel bulbs were rubbed from wearing boots all the time, so I repeated the advice about duct tape for protection.

Valerie was trying to give his feet a break from the boots and was leaving them off for a day every few days, and he was getting sore without the boots. Tracy suggested leaving them off an hour or two a day while Valerie did barn chores.

His trim this time was very basic, re balancing his walls and giving him a nice bevel all around. His heels had stayed nicely balanced and showed that they were being used, and his toe didn't need to be pulled back too much. He also had better concavity (the Comfort Pads help that develop!) and his frog quality had improved.

Linda Cowles Hoof Care
Serving the greater SF Bay Area & Northern California
Copyright 2008 Linda Cowles
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