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Linda Cowles Hoof Care - Serving the greater SF Bay Area and Northern California

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Tough Transitions

Week Twenty One

August 2 , 2006

Week 0 - March 14, 2006

Week 5 - April 21, 2006
Week 8 - May 12, 2006
Week 12 - June 6, 2006
Week 16 - July 1, 2006

Lucas's feet continue to improve and evolve, but he's had a bit of a setback... an old track injury - his bad knee, is acting up.

Lucas had been operated on when he was on the track to remove some bone chips, and during the operation, a major ligament was pierced, and it occasionally flares up and causes him pain. This knee is on the leg with his most under-run heel / long toe, so when it flares up I try to bring his toe back as far as I can in an attempt to relieve any pressure.

I asked Katja what preceded the flare up, and she reported that she'd started riding Lucas, working up from lots of walking to trotting, cantering and hand gallops. I looked at his posture, noted the tall whither's and palpated the shoulder area looking for sensitivity from saddle pressure - and found it! Katja has a very expensive and well made saddle, but it still was causing problems with Lucas's back, and the way he may have carried himself as a result could easily have aggravated his knee.

I gave Katja the information on my favorite saddle fitting guru / vet chiro / acupuncturist Dr Kerry Ridgway and suggested that she have him look over Lucas to see if there is anything he can suggest.

I'm focused on several things with Lucas at this point. First and most important is how the rear portions of his feet - the digital cushion and heel area - change as time goes on. Second is his concavity and sole quality, and what affects it's development.

Linda Cowles Hoof Care
Serving the greater SF Bay Area & Northern California
Copyright 2008 Linda Cowles
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