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Linda Cowles Hoof Care - Serving the greater SF Bay Area and Northern California

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Wry Foot &
Crack Due To Coronet Injury

It's been 7 months since we started working on Nipper, and her owner and I have both discovered a lot about thrush and the distortion it can create. This has been a long learning process, and hopefully other Nippers can benefit from what we uncover.

March 14, 2006 - Shoes removed
March 24, 2006 - Dropped Flare & Decontraction
May 12, 2006
August 25, 2006 - Rear Feet Still Thrushy & Wry

October 15, 2006 - Relaxing Heels!

One of the many changes Nippers owner has noticed is that Nipper is now standing square for the first time in years. Her feet are still slightly crooked, but its minimal compared to when we started.

We've been able to clean up her frogs better each month, and we feel we have taken care of most of the thrush at this point. We still found a little in the sole at the heel buttress on one front foot after removing shedding bar and sole, and I still found a little in the commisure's.

I'm going to order more White Lightening to see if that puts an end to the thrush.

We will be using frog pads in boots during the day to stimulate frog growth for the next month,

Front Feet

Our next trim will bring back her front toes! Her rear foot has been very weak and contracted so I've been hesitant to pull them back until now.

Rear Feet

The cracked portion of the hoof has grown down completely, leaving the wall with little more than a blemish



Nippers attitude and physical comfort have improved dramatically over time. She's gotten lots of body work (chiropractic, massage and acupuncture) which has complemented the work we've done with her feet, and as a result she greets visitors with a very eager attitude.

One of the environmental changes is the deep pile of 1 inch gravel (very inexpensive in this area) outside of her stall where she's sure to walk over it.

Linda Cowles Hoof Care
Serving the greater SF Bay Area & Northern California
Copyright 2008 Linda Cowles
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