
Seasonal Feet – Northern California

Gabby, November 19, 2013

In this part of California,just north of San Francisco, we often go 5 or 6 months with little to no rain, so our hooves accumulate a dense,hard sole and frog throughout the summer,and shed it as soon as the heavy rains start in October and November.

The feet below belong to my 22 year old Arab, Gavilan,and at this time of the year, He’s a week into the trim,and we just finished 15 miles of rocky trail, I ride most trails barefoot at this time of the year for casual rides, but put boots on if I’m moving out at a trot or canter because Gab moves better over rocks with the boots.

It’s just started raining, so this weekend will add pictures of the changes in his feet. The page for Gabbys seasonal changes will be here: Gabby_seasoal_2013

December 2013
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